12 May 2008


Went roaming around these few days to find a perfect site to upload our podcast, so as mentioned in the previous post, we have found mediafire and 4shared. But well, after finding so many sites we finally remembered that there was podbean (omg I missed it out!) yea, so we will also be uploading on podbean, if you guys knew podbean also allows a subdomain which is also like a blog in their domain so you could also check it out. MEKcast.blogspot.com will however still remain the "main" blog for updates,news and everything under the sun!
*By the way you can actually subscript to us by clicking on the link at the bottom left hand site of the blog as we do not update frequently during school days, so you can subscript to us so that you will not need to check back everyday, for the benefit of those who cant find it subscript here .

11 May 2008

MEKcast Reloaded

Finally, MEKcast has all its podcasts in one solid place.

After all the broken links and dead-ends you guys would have experienced in attempting to download our highly sought-after podcasts, we'll be permanently at mediafire and 4shared*. No more worries!

We'll be having nicer looking players too. Yeah, we got the part about their lack of beauty last time.

So now, if you see broken links or have any comments in general, you can
a. email us at mekcast@hotmail.com
b. go to Interactor's suggestion page

Once again, here's Monkey thanking all for your support on behalf of the MEKcast crew.

* 4shared acts as a "viture drive" online so you can visit MEK4shared, this page contains all the links to all the mekcast files